Good Steps

Easy Steps to Zero Cost Sustainable Living
Many people believe sustainable lifestyles are not for every day and can be very expensive to adopt. At Smaller Footprint Co., we believe that this is just a myth based...
Easy Steps to Zero Cost Sustainable Living
Many people believe sustainable lifestyles are not for every day and can be very expensive to adopt. At Smaller Footprint Co., we believe that this is just a myth based...

The Age Old Cleaning Alternative
India has a wealth of traditional practices that are not only good for your hair but also good for the environment. Today, we talk about one such practice - the...
The Age Old Cleaning Alternative
India has a wealth of traditional practices that are not only good for your hair but also good for the environment. Today, we talk about one such practice - the...

Can We Escape The Greenhouse Gas Trap?
A greenhouse is a building made of glass or plastic used to grow plants that require special temperatures to thrive. Greenhouses were first popularized in colder climates, like Korea and...
Can We Escape The Greenhouse Gas Trap?
A greenhouse is a building made of glass or plastic used to grow plants that require special temperatures to thrive. Greenhouses were first popularized in colder climates, like Korea and...

What Is The Circular Economy?
Have you been hearing a lot about the Circular or Circularity or Circular Economy? Or seen it while shopping or in a newspaper or heard during discussions at the workplace....
What Is The Circular Economy?
Have you been hearing a lot about the Circular or Circularity or Circular Economy? Or seen it while shopping or in a newspaper or heard during discussions at the workplace....

Home Water Monitors: A Fun Way To Save Water
Water is vital for our lives. Doctors recommend 8 glasses of water to be consumed every day. You might have either been reminding your kids or would have seen someone...
Home Water Monitors: A Fun Way To Save Water
Water is vital for our lives. Doctors recommend 8 glasses of water to be consumed every day. You might have either been reminding your kids or would have seen someone...

Oranges : Beyond Powerhouse Of Vitamin C
November marks the return of oranges to our tiffins and tables, cherished for their rich Vitamin C content, sweet tang, and juicy goodness. While we savor the fruit, it's easy...
Oranges : Beyond Powerhouse Of Vitamin C
November marks the return of oranges to our tiffins and tables, cherished for their rich Vitamin C content, sweet tang, and juicy goodness. While we savor the fruit, it's easy...

Top 10 Things To Do At Home
Do you know that sustainable living is not just good for the planet, it can even be good for your wallet. So if you are someone who wants to take...
Top 10 Things To Do At Home
Do you know that sustainable living is not just good for the planet, it can even be good for your wallet. So if you are someone who wants to take...

Bio Enzyme In Just 2 Min/Day
We use different household cleaners available in the market. Three questions: What are these cleaners made of and how safe are those? Is there a better and safer alternative? Is the alternative...
Bio Enzyme In Just 2 Min/Day
We use different household cleaners available in the market. Three questions: What are these cleaners made of and how safe are those? Is there a better and safer alternative? Is the alternative...

The Journey To Zero
Zero waste is possible only when one refuses to buy anything other than essentials. This may not be practical for many. However, that doesn’t mean we cannot make conscious choices and reduce...
The Journey To Zero
Zero waste is possible only when one refuses to buy anything other than essentials. This may not be practical for many. However, that doesn’t mean we cannot make conscious choices and reduce...

Top 7 Areas Towards Smaller Footprint To Anywhere
If you look for ways to start a sustainable living you will come across 100 plus ways to start the journey. Remember, big changes can be brought by simple steps...
Top 7 Areas Towards Smaller Footprint To Anywhere
If you look for ways to start a sustainable living you will come across 100 plus ways to start the journey. Remember, big changes can be brought by simple steps...